Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Election 08, My Take

With all the candidates in this years election, I thought I would make a couple of comments. Really I am sick and tired of political double speak in politics today. This is to my children who someday will understand. I'm very proud of you.

Jobs - "New Page" Job loses- we need jobs in Wisconsin and in the good old USA. Who creates jobs? Business not government creates jobs! We need tax cuts for business. We need incentives to bring new jobs to Wisconsin.We don't need movie makers getting tax credits and leave when the flick is done!

Spending - we need to stop spending at every level of government! Federal, state and local. If we cannot afford it, we can live without or delay spending till we can afford it.

Energy - end the ethanol mandates! If ethanol is so good, let it stand on it's own. We the people will make that choice. Drill here drill now and pay less. Since the President ended the drilling moratorium, how far has energy prices dropped? Drill in ANWR, drill off the coasts! This would give us energy relief so we can expand on more efficient forms of cheaper , renewable and other forms of energy.

Health care - we do not need Canadian health care. A good direction is from Wisconsin's own Paul Ryan. Ryan would reform our employment-based insurance system by replacing the current tax exclusion for employer-provided insurance with a refundable tax credit of $2,500 for individuals, and $5,000 for families. This would encourage employers to take the money they currently spend providing health insurance and give it directly to workers, who could then use it to purchase competitive, personally owned insurance plans. That would be insurance that met their needs, not those of their bosses, and people wouldn't lose it if they lost their jobs.Ryan would also allow workers to shop for insurance across state lines.We need to get cap medical litigation.

Taxes - if tax cuts are so bad why did we get those rebate checks this past summer. Who knows how to spend our money more wisely? Government politicians or us? It's our money? Since the Bush Tax cuts, the U S treasury has been taking in money hand over fist. Tax cuts do work! Let us spend our money the way we know best. Politicians, IT'S NOT YOUR MONEY! Remember the luxury boat tax the dems passed in the 90's. What happened? People stopped buying boats and people started losing jobs. Remember when that tax was dropped!

Simplify the tax code and look out. What more can you say.

Immigration - our past generations came to America as Arnold Swartsnegger said " to live the American dream!" If you come to America, you become a citizen like everyone else. You assimilate, you learn English first,you work and pay taxes like everyone else. If that means we close the boarders, so be it! No amnesty!

Welfare as we know it - End the constant government hand outs. You work, you get paid, you pay taxes! Government is there in time of need, not for anyone that has their hand out for free money!

Where have all the good honest politicians gone. Where is John F. Kennedy? Where is Bill Proxmire? Where is Ronald Reagen?

These are just a few from both sides of the aisle that made us build the American dream.

JFK would not be a democrat today. His party would have sold him out in a heartbeat. Tax cuts in the 60's, And it worked. How many lefties know JFK gave us tax cuts? Bill Proxmire, remember the golden fleece award!

I will say it again. I am conservative first.

Do we have to go through the days of Jimmy Carter again to wake up on what this country means to all Americans?


Are you for higher or any kind of increase in taxes, fee's or any tax you can think of?

Are you not for energy independence?

Are you for National Health Care?

Are you for illegal immigration?

Are you not for the Second amendment?

Are you for $5.00 gal gasoline?

Are you for ethanol mandates?

Are you for drilling off shore but not in ANWR?

Are you pro choice?

Are you against big business that creates jobs?

Is Iran, Cuba and Venezuela our allies?

Do you want to see Club Gitmo closed?

Should we pull out of Iraq before the mission is lost like Vietnam?

Should the U S Supreme court be more in line with the thinking of our friends in Europe?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, you lost my vote.

Candidates, please do not try to lie, or promise the American people things you don't believe.

Be up front and you will win your election in record landslides.

The message is high energy prices! High taxes! and we want less government!

To the liberals and RINO's, get your act together.

Every time conservatism is tried, it always works and always wins!

To you lefties, RINO's, moderates, and professional politicians, wake up!

To all other Americans, the journey begins.


Anonymous said...


Paul - Berry Laker said...

Anonymous,thank you for your comment. I was kind of worried about your part of the 8th district. Where have you been? If you have been quiet because you are too, looking for conservative candidates, join the club! No matter what happens this November, we will be O K. The journey begins to get conservative back in office. We need to educate our politicians on what they should say and what to do. They are lost RIGHT now and will find thier way back home! Have a good week. Please stay in touch. Berry Laker