Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Right Thing to Do

What is the right thing to do after this past election?

I say that for several reasons, no matter what is done , no matter
what good intentions , it's never right! The truth is never reported

by the main stream media!

Example one :
I take for example "welfare reform". Back in 1994 a new congress
was elected. They said that welfare needed to be fixed. It was not a
popular idea at the time, but it was something that needed to be
fixed. No, it may not have been a compassionet stance to take
thousands off the welfare rolls but to give welfare to the people
that really needed it was the main goal! If you need welfare you

need to get a job or further your education to better yourself.
Sounds like a great plan, and you know what, it worked! The
republicans brought it up and President Clinton signed it into law .
From the media point of veiw it was Bills idea and he got alot of the
credit! If it was not for the republicans it would never became law
and all the people off of welfare would not be productive citizines
today. The demacarts are the party of the people but a lot of
democrats didn't vote for it. Who is called anti poverty by the
main stream media, republicans!

Example two ;
The cival Rights act of 1964 which was signed by President
Johnson, the republicans are always said to be agaist civil
rights , but back in 1964 more republicans voted for civil
rights than democrats. If it wasn't for republicans voting for it,

it would never have passed! The democrats didn't have
enough votes by themselves to pass it.

From - Diane Alden Saturday, Dec. 14, 2002 Link

"Remember that the Republicans were the minority party at
the time. None the less, H.R.7152 passed the House on Feb. 10, 1964.
Of the 420 members who voted, 290 supported the civil rights
bill and 130 opposed it. Republicans favored the bill 138 to 34;
Democrats supported it 152-96. Republicans supported it in
higher proportions than Democrats. Even though those Democrats
were Southern segregationists, without Republicans the bill
would have failed. Republicans were the other much-needed
leg of the Civil Rights Act of 1964."

Why are republicans bad for helping get passed the Cival Rights act.
Why did no one ( main stream media) hold the dems feet to the fire?
Why is history still not told to this very day? Because the main

stream media still says republicans are racist!

example three;

Here inWisconsin newlyl elected congressman Steve Kegan.
From Charlie Sykes Link
MONDAY, Oct. 23, 2006, 9:27 a.m.IF A GAFFE FALLS IN

Take Kagen’s use of the word, “Injun,” as in: “Our excuse, uh, in
Oneida was, well we are on injun time. They don't tell time by
the clock. Our excuse here is I'm a doctor and we're never on time."

Fine he made a mistake but if a republican would of said it, it would
have been a blood bath . And what does the Native Americans
leaders say!

Foe the Milwaukee Journal Link

"Danforth and Washinawatok said there were many more
important issues to the tribes than the Kagen remark.
Washinawatok said Kagen had visited the Menominee
reservation many times and that she supports his candidacy.
Danforth said the Oneida tribe had taken no official position
on the congressional race."

Mainly the tribes said that because John Gard was fighting
agaist them on casino gambling in Madison, that they don't like him !
If Gard would of said that that they said they would be upset

and would of made sure John Gard would have been punished.
John Gard would have been racist! Steve Kegan OK , no big deal !

Example Four ; Hurican Katrina in 05

Right after Katrina hit, the media was camped out in New Orleans
at the Super Dome. Women were being raped , people were
commiting suicide, Murder was happening , all hell was breaking
loose! On the contrary, it wasn't really happening . The main stream
media made up those stories, and who is still the blame for Katrina,
George Bush !

Example Five; Jim Doyle , Wisconsin election 06

From Patrick McIlheran artical LINK

His artical starts out ;
In your heart, do you think Gov. Jim Doyle is honest?

If your answer is an unhesitating yes, move along.
There's a lot of news to read.
If you at least paused, it could just be
all those nasty TV ads, and there's a good chance you don't
trust Mark Green, either. He, too, is a politician, and other
nasty ads point out his sin: He is in the same Congress as
Mark Foley was and in the same party as Vice President
Dick Cheney, and he looks dorky talking in grainy slow motion.

The main point on all this, no matter what good things republicans
or conservitaves do , you never hear about it, you only hear they
are for big oil, they are corupt, they are racist , they are homophobs,
they are for the rich , etc , etc , etc by the media. The media never
reports when the Steve Kagens or Jim Doyles and others of the world

twist the truth, twist laws to there benifit or just plain lie about
I will say that republicans lost the last election. The voters got
shnookered and faked out big time with deceptive ads and just
sucked it up!

Now everyone in Washington is happy! The mass media is taking
credit for getting out of Iraq, the democrats took both houses and
the economy is good , they will solve the war and Iraq , it will be
said the dems can now walk on water . Hillary in 08!

From charlie Sykes
MONDAY, Dec. 4, 2006, 5:35 a.m.

In Wisconsin , now that Diamond Jim won the election, vehicle fee's
might go up 46 % , We need to tax chocolate chips ,we don't need to
tax Twix candy bars, elected officials in Madison get sick days for
being sick but only two have taken sick leave in years .

If the president on 08 is a democrat and the economy starts to go
south, it is George Bushs fault. If the economy is good it's because
a democrat was elected.

If we have pease in Iraq it will be because the dems got
elected in 06 and won the war!

Gasoline price high it's Bushs fault. Gasoline prices low
it's bushs fault , he 's trying to get elected again !

When it comes to the main stream media they will spew what
ever they want to paint conservatives or republicans as evil,
racists, homophobs , global warming , it's Bushs fault and on

and on!

I can only pray that the younger generation will take care
our great country after all the self absorbed ,canyass baby
boomers ( not all, but most) are gone. I give a lot of credit

to the World War Two Generation and all vets and people
in our military for preserving freedom . Most of the main
stream media are from the boomer generation and it
sure shows!

When taxes start going through the roof and people start
complaining, will the main stream media report it?
I doubt it , they will find some conservative and blame
them and most people will believe it!

I always believe in truth and honesty . I guess I am in the
minority. " We hold these truths to be self evident......"

People who watch the main stream media, remember ,
don't believe everything you see !

Also, main stream media , be carefull what you wish for ,
you may not like what you get.

God Bless the U.S.A.

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