Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Less Then An Hour Till The Polls Close

No I don't TWIT, so this is the best I can do.

You know I'm sitting here in the middle of the Nicolet forest waiting for the polls to close. I'm bored right now so I will pacify myself and tell you what I am thinking. Since I'm a nobody and have no idea what the outcome of tonight's primary election will be I will just throw this out there. Plus, I only have two followers, who cares.

My hope Walker does take Wisconsin.

Johnson in!

Cross my fingers on Kleefisch.

In the Wisconsin 8th district I see Roth, Ribble and "T" splitting the vote in the Appleton area. That leaves the rest of the district as a toss up. Eagle River could go to "T" with her endorsement , which I still don't understand by the supposedly conservative groups in that area. Lost of lot of RESPECT for the people there. Possibly a greater # of votes gong for Ribble in Door County. Thank You Marc which still has me perplexed. That leaves the rest of the district leaning Roth.

I will assume, (you know what the first three letters in that word are) that Roth will take the the race.

Yes, I could be wrong tomorrow morning but what else do I have to do waiting for the totals to come in.

Remember, this is my blog and I can say what I think! I don't see anyone else going out on a limb and making a political guess.

Anyone else want to play the political crap shoot?

1 comment:

DR said...

Good night for your endorsements and the entire state. We may actually see this state thrive under conservative leadership come November. I can't wait to send the Dems packing.