Monday, August 30, 2010

My "McDonald's", Mc Triple Sandwich

You need to try this.

You go to McDonald's and order 1 one dollar McDouble and 1 one dollar McChichen sandwich. In your car or at the the table you open both packages and remove the bottom bun on both sandwiches. You take the McChicken and place it on top of the McDouble to make one triple sandwich for only two bucks.

You get two all beef patties, two slices of cheese, ketchup, pickles, mustard, onions, a grilled chicken breast, lettuce , special sauce ( maybe mayo, not sure) and what ever I missed and sink your teeth and taste buds into one of the most cheapest delectable sandwiches in your life.

You know, if McDonald's were thinking, they would save one bun. How much is that worth? I throw two halves away to make this and they would add to their profit's! That's right, McDonald's are not into profit! Also, the people at McDonald's already know how to make both sandwiches and bottom line, they would save the cost of one bun. Naw, profits are not what they are looking for. Here's an idea, maybe they should come up with a two dollar menu at their stores? Naw, I must be wishful thinking.

Yes, I thought of this and should be compensated for the idea. I'm not asking for much. I am trying to buy Mr's B a blue new Ford Mustang.

If you are looking for a cheap (two buck's) GREAT meal, give it a try.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been doing this for years (although in Canada it's 1.39$ each), but I always kept one half bun so it resembles a Big Mac, and then dip the other half bun in Big Mac sauce or whatever is available. Good stuff.