Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Let's Call Out Steve Kagen

From Emily Matthews via FoxPolitics
"It’s now a week since Climategate was exposed. Thanks to James Delingpole of Britain’s Daily Telegraph, we have proof the warmists are liars. (And, YES, they were hacked; East Anglia’s CRU admitted it AND canceled all passwords afterwards.) Some juicy quotes taken from the hacked emails:

* “The fact is we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment…”

* “Can you delete any emails you may have had re. AR4?” (AR4 being the fourth Assessment Report of the UN International Panel on Climate Change).

* “…a good earlier point that it would be nice to “contain” the…MWP” (Medieval warming period; look up the work of Soon and Baliunas on that. S&B, about which Tim Ball said, “Holdren’s attempt to belittle…in front of colleagues is a measure of the man’s…political opportunism.”)

* “I think we have to stop considering “Climate Research” as a legitimate peer-reviewed journal.” (Wanting to discredit those who disagree—good grief, science is all about being skeptical; about investigation!)

So why aren’t we hearing more about Climategate? Why are the MSM not screaming foul, when so much, in terms of the economy, is at stake? Well, says Delingpole, “there are too many vested interests…with far too much to lose.” " - Appleton, WI News - What's really going on in the Fox Cities

From Steve Kagens own web site. How much vested interest does he have with the frauds from Climategate?

To build a better future, we must become an energy independent nation. Becoming energy independent will require a sense of shared sacrifice from everyone, but a well-conceived strategy will succeed when developed in the open, not behind closed doors. We must emit less carbon dioxide, pollutants, and greenhouse gases and enable existing utilities to become sources of renewable energy. Here is my energy plan:" Energy

So Steve Kagen wants us to sacrifice even when we now have fraud for all to see. Will Steve Kagen change his mind? Will he now be against CAP and TAX? Will the other candidates call Kagen out on this ? Steve Kagen needs to be exposed for who he really is, a fraud just like Climategate.

Will he change? Likely not, Steve Kagen has too much campaign money coming in to stop his juggernaut. 

1 comment:

Jo Egelhoff, said...

Great Paul - right on!