Thursday, October 22, 2009

Unemployment, Surprising and Encouraging

Did this come from the Onion? To those two boys who are in college and think they know more then their high school educated old man. When liberals use words like surprising and encouraging, they are lying.

From the Green Bay Press.
Unemployment rates fell across Wisconsin in September, surprising and encouraging state labor market analysts.

Why should you read anymore , everything is good, move along, well let's read a little further.
"The labor pool was smaller because of people returning to school and summer workers and long-term unemployed dropping out of the work force."
Jobless rate drops in Green Bay area, across Wisconsin | | Green Bay Press-Gazette

It took them five paragraphs to tell you less people are returning to work. "Long-term unemployed dropping out of the work force", surprising and encouraging?
Jim Golembeski, executive director of Bay Area Workforce Development Board, said companies continue to look for skilled workers, who are scarce.

I like this comment from my favorite buddy over at BAWD, Jimbo says, skilled workers are scarce? Oh really!
“I know of a couple of area firms that are hiring for some very good jobs. Companies are investing in technology. They are looking for workers with higher-level skills,” he said.

He knows a couple of companies? What does he mean by "higher-level skills", brain surgeons are scarce? This guy gets paid to train the workforce and he knows a couple of firms. Who is training these people to get back into the work force? These area workforce development places along with the people that run them are a leach sucking off government and private funding and can't show results if they tried! It's not our fault they are looking for skilled workers.

People of Niagara and Kimberly, are you all back to work? How was your training by Jim and his people? How about a job training fair, a listening session for people out of work. You know, one of those feel good "I love you, you love me" meetings we can see on T V and say , "you know they care", no jobs but isn't it nice!

Jobs are created by the private sector. We need tax breaks for business, tax breaks for all workers and get rid of government waste. The 2010 election are around the corner. We need conservative candidates in all races across this country.

Boy's, don't believe everything you read. Remember, they just want your money and if you don't change this country you will pay even more for it.

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