Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kagen Turning RINO

Is this from the Onion? Steve Kagen wants to lower unemployment costs and generate more income tax revenue. A TAX CUT?

"Kagen proposing job growth tax cut

Oct. 28, 2009
An area lawmaker wants to give employers a temporary tax break for adding more workers.

Congressman Steve Kagen says businesses that increase their payroll in 2010 would get a 15 percent tax credit. That credit would be 10 percent in 2011. The Appleton Democrat says it would lead to a lot of jobs across the country.

Kagen says a similar tax cut was offered in 1977 and 1978 and he says it was successful.

Kagen says the tax break would cost the federal government about $28 billion in lost revenue, but he says it would lower unemployment costs and generate more income tax revenue." 1150 WHBY » News »
Kagen proposing job growth tax cut

Catch that, a temporary tax break.

So Steve Kagen screwed the tax payers with the stimulus and now will try to promise a tax cut to get more federal income. You can't have it both ways Congressman Kagen. Your acting like a Republican In Name Only, RINO alert in the 8th district!

You can't make this stuff up.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Kagen can't be a RINO, since he's not a republican. Otherwise it's nice that he's finally talking fiscal responsibility. Had he been ACTING that way he might not have:
1) beaten out 434 other members of congress--including the House Speaker--in the amount of hard-working tax-payer money he spent on his office ($450,000),
2) voted to double or triple energy costs through a cap and trade bill with goals so unrealistic as to border on the absurd,
3) voted to rush a MASSive stimulus into law that, really, hasn't done what was promised.
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I'll be voting for Reid Ribble, thank you.