Wednesday, October 28, 2009

45 Years Ago, Same Today As It Was Then

From Rush
Now, this dovetails very nicely, and we're going to start very soon on some of these sound bites from this speech. You've got to hear them. People say, "Rush, we need to uplifted, we need to inspired, we need to be motivated." Well, you're gonna get that today before we start attacking Obama's health care plan, the latest folly with Harry Reid and so forth. There's a great piece in the UK Telegraph today -- you get real journalism over there -- this is by Nile Gardiner. "Barack Obama Has Failed to Defeat Conservatism in America." He plays off that Gallup poll, 40% of the people in this country say they are conservative, 20% say they are liberal, 36% say they are independent. Now, Nile Gardiner is a Washington-based foreign affairs analyst and political commentator, and he appears frequently on television, both here and in Great Britain. The point of this is that not only are we not defeated, we are rising from the ashes, we're fighting in the shade out there but we are fighting. After you listen to some of Ronald Reagan's Goldwater speech from October 27, 1964, I'll share with you some of the details here from Nile Gardiner. Here's cut one, Ronald Reagan.
From You Tube and the Reagan Library.

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