Friday, July 17, 2009

Socialized Medicine Will Solve Social Security

From a WGAT message board from a gentleman named "lets tally",

No link but it makes you wonder the reason for ramming the health care bill down our throats.
At least Socialized Medicine will solve the Social Security Problem 16-Jul-09 09:47 pm
I guess they figured out how to solve the problem of too many people on social security.... just kill off everyone over 67 1/2

Too late for the U.S., of course. Canada has planned for the future with respect to social security as well as healthcare, although even there some problems are probable. The U.S. has always passed the buck to the next generation. Oh, well, Third World country for you guys, because your whole attitude has always been seat of the pants and no regulation.

The lefts answer to saving S S .

Abortion and socialized medicine will control U. S. population.

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