Saturday, February 14, 2009

Wisconsin Nurse Shortage

"February 9, 2009
Not Enough Nurses"
Not Enough Nurses - Career | Male Nurse

by Jim O'Connell

The state of Wisconsin will see a drastic increase in nursing shortages if the University of Wisconsin and other nursing programs around the state do not increase their number of graduates, UW nursing officials said Monday.

According to a recent task force report conducted by officials from all five of the UW System’s nursing programs, the nursing system needs to expand in order to reduce the projected nursing shortages.

UW School of Nursing Dean Kathryn May met with representatives from UW-Milwaukee, UW-Eau Claire, UW-Oshkosh and UW-Green Bay to discuss the shortage problem currently facing the state.

Golly, when we move to socialized medicine this year the question must be, Why go into nursing?

The government will mandate coverage, mandate medical help and mandate pay.

You want to help the sick and needy and work for peanuts!

No wonder a shortage. Young people are seeing through this insanity and are staying away.


Anonymous said...

you look very close minded

Paul - Berry Laker said...

Hey Anon, Thanks for the comment.

I just had friend tell me his daughter was going to school to be a doctor and changed her mind to be a teacher.

Reason being, who wants to go into medicine under Gov. control.

Was I suppose to tell her she closed minded?

I rest my case. Please move to Canada with your closed mind. Mine is still open. But hey, have a GREAT week anyway.