Wednesday, January 30, 2008

John McCain

From Sean at the American Mind

Conservatives are down to two serious candidates for the nomination. One
candidate, Mitt Romney, has tried hard to convince us his recent conversion to
the cause is legitimate. (And he
with Florida conservatives.) The front runner, Sen. McCain, has a
history of thumbing
his nose
at us. If he’s going to be the nominee I want to give McCain ample
opportunity for him to convince us he’s one of us.

I give Sean credit for keeping an open mind. Sorry it is hard to believe someone after McCain/Fiengold, the gang of 14, amnesty for illegal aliens, voted against tax cuts, etc., etc., etc..

Utter disgust, flip flopping RINO's are not my cup of tea.

Dick Morris on the Election last night on H & C (paraphrasing). The conservatives are moving to the left. What in God's name are people doing? I think the libs in Florida didn't have anything to vote for so they just voted for McCain to stir up the pot.

I can't believe I'm saying this- maybe let it go , even with Hillary in office , my family will be O K.

As Rush or Mark B said yesterday (not sure), we had to have Jimmy Carter to get Ronald Reagan .

What a sad commentary.

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