Thursday, December 27, 2007

Houston, We Have A Problem

Was at someone house Christmas day night.
All having a good time, adult beverages flowing at full strength.
Three Olive Chocolate vodka tastes just like chocolate covered cherries.
You know the ones with the white gooey stuff inside the chocolate.
Learned a collage game with a quarter and two empty ice cube trays.

Well, let me tell you, I always wonder about the education of our future leaders.
Politics came up and I asked a 18 year old freshman going to UWM who she would vote for president.

"Hillary Clinton of course"!

I then asked what important thing Hillary has done for you to vote for her?

Dead serious, " Because she has a vagina"
Right out of the NAG's handbook! I am not kidding and yes she was serious about her answer.
Our future leaders in progress! Females must have real emotional problems if they can only vote for a women to just get a women in office!

I have already had discussions about politics with this young lady.
From those discussions she is already indoctrinated from the left.
Not sure where she gets all her information, but it can't be good.
Obviously she doesn't pay taxes or doesn't know , doesn't care about taxes or goverment in general.

You take uneducated young uninformed youths, indoctrinate them daily at high school and collage and you get our future leaders. The teachers union must be very proud of these kids.

I only pray that my two son's have more brains than most that go to post high school education.

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