Thursday, July 18, 2019

Wis.Gov To Plunder Tansportation Funds Designated For Local Roads

 This was found all the way in Kansas. Where are all the Scottholes nuts from the last Gov. election?

It seems Gov. Tony Evers is playing loose with the tax payers money of Wisconsin.
The state budget as passed by the Republican-controlled Legislature included $90 million for local road projects. Evers vetoed it down to $75 million and on Thursday announced it would be available through a new grant program.
Instead, under the grant program it can be used for roads, bridges, public transit, bike paths and walking trails, railroads and harbors.
So the plan by Evers is to give $15 million for the Hop (trolley) in time for the 2020 dem convention in Milwaukee. 

If Scott Walker did this, voters would be screaming RECALL! Will the voters and Wisconsin media hold Evers responsible for useless spending of tax dollars? The money is suppose to go to local road work! Seems all those outside municipalities are some gullible suckers! 

Read all at The Wichita Eagle.


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