Friday, July 19, 2019

Cost Of Freedom To Every American

With all the hate speech from the left, this brings a tear to our eye on what it means to all the people who love this country and what those who fought for freedom did for us all!
Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte presented President Donald Trump with a historic gift Thursday at the White House.
Rutte presented Trump with an American flag that was on the first U.S. ship to land in Normandy as part of the D-Day invasion that occurred on June 6, 1944 during World War II. The bullet-riddled flag was purchased at an auction three years ago by Dutch collector Bert Kreuk, who later felt compelled to return the flag to the U.S.
We are sick and tired of the left hating this country and half the people who live in this great country are supposed racist for living here.We love all Americans even if we disagree with the left but it is getting harder and harder to put up with their insanity and socialism they want.

For God sakes! People died for our freedom.
Love or leave it! 

Read the rest at The Daily Caller.
Above Image of a Normandy Flag from the Arizona Star.

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