Friday, January 21, 2011

Pay Back For Wis. Dems?????

Press release through WisPolitcs
"Sen. Lassa: Where are the details, governor?

MADISON – Rep. Louis J. Molepske, Jr., Rep. Penny Bernard Schaber, and Sen. Julie Lassa, among other Democratic Assembly and Senate members, submitted to Commerce Secretary Paul Jadin a letter seeking additional information to more adequately and fully understand the details of the Walker administration’s plans to transition from the Department of Commerce (Commerce) to the proposed Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC).

“From the government perspective of assuring equitable and appropriate use of taxpayer dollars, it is incumbent upon us to mutually understand the changes being proposed,” said Rep. Molepske. He said further, “Just as businesses must develop business plans for investor or financial institution review, so too should the Administration before the Legislature votes to make the changes.”

Rep. Bernard Schaber added, “The framework of the new public-private entity that will create, implement and oversee economic policies for Wisconsin needs to be advanced to the Legislature so that we can make decisions to meet the needs of business, labor, local economic development interests and local governments – all of which will be affected by the change. We need to streamline the Department of Commerce; everyone agrees that it is crucial to helping businesses in Wisconsin! That’s why I’m dedicated to working on this legislation. We need to make sure that we are not wasting taxpayer dollars and that the interests of business, workers, local economic development groups and local governments are heard.”

“The bill as it has been proposed says nothing about who will be in charge of the organization or how it will operate. It says nothing about what will happen to existing job creation programs or what safeguards will prevent hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars from being wasted. The Legislature has been asked to hand this new agency a huge blank check without any clarity about how it will be spent. We need more detail to ensure that WEDC will operate with transparency and accountability, and that it will create good, family-supporting jobs for Wisconsin families,” Sen. Lassa said." Sen. Lassa: Where are the details, governor?
Come on, guys, let us in. I gonna tell your mom! Waaaa, waaaaa, waaaaa!!!!
You know what they say, paybacks are hell!

Where was Lassa and Schaber when they ran Madison and republicans wanted information or wanted to give their input on bills. You know they told republicans to take a short walk off a tall bridge. Remember the last two years, we run this state and we will do anything we want. And look what they did. They screwed every tax payer in Wisconsin. Raided transportation funds, charge for hospital beds, what 3 billion in the hole.

If Schaber, Lassa and Molepske want to be reelected, they better work with republicans to fix what they screwed up in the past or they will be out the door.

I think they and all other dems in Madison understand their future.

1 comment:

Dad29 said...

The (D) blather is smokescreen for preserving 300 AFSCME jobs.

Redundant jobs, by the way.