Monday, September 19, 2011

It's Been A GREAT Five Years

Seems just like yesterday. Somehow 5 years ago today I came across Blogger and decided to try my hand at a blog. As I said in the past, I was tired of people telling me the lefts point of view and my voice meant nothing. So why not start a blog.

Yes, it's Berry Laker blog's 5th anniversary. There are times when it's hard to even post something that makes sense but some day I at least can let my family know the thinking and beliefs of their father. 

To my few followers. To the few that comment. To those who took a look and didn't like what they seen, I say a sincere thank you.

To the Berry Laker clan, remember,

If you want to be a winner, hang around winners. 

If you tell your mind  you want something, your mind will get it for. Never forget to be careful what you want, your mind will also give the negative side of life if that's what you ask for.

You can always choose your friends but you can never choose your family. 

The five most important things in life are and they only come in this order. God, your spouse, your family, your work or job and anything else that is important to you.  

Let's go for six. 


yoSAMite said...

Congrats on your stamina and dedication. Thanks for sharing and caring.

Paul - Berry Laker said...

Thanks Sam,

have a GREAT week

steveegg said...

I might be a day late because I've been basically off-line the last few weeks, but congrats on 5, and many more.

Paul - Berry Laker said...

Thanks Steve,

It's Great to have you in my small circle of readers. Keep up the great work you do on your blog.

Have a GREAT week

Kevin said...

great work. 5 important years. Kick it up in 2012?

Paul - Berry Laker said...

Thanks Kevin for stopping in.

Have a GREAT week.