Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hey Mitt, You Lost My Vote

Sorry, Mitt never had my vote to begin with. 

Michelle Malkin » Romney Touts Ability to Find Common Ground With Democrats:

 "“I worked with [former Massachusetts Sen.] Ted Kennedy, for Pete’s sakes,” Romney said in Concord, noting that they disagreed on “almost everything.”
One issue that Kennedy and Romney worked closely on was legislation expanding healthcare coverage in Massachusetts. He recalled, to laughter, that at the ceremonial signing of the Massachusetts healthcare law, the Democrat had joked that when he and Romney agreed on a piece of legislation “it proves only one thing – one of us didn’t read it.”
“The truth was we had both read it and we’d found some common ground,” Romney said, “and I think that has to happen in Washington.”"

Why would anyone vote for Romney? What would be the difference between Romney and Obama . Romney would be another four years of Obama. 

See you Mitt, don't let the door hit you on the way out. 

Next candidate.

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