Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hurley: We're Broke, Get Over It, Do Your Job

From the Daily Globe.

State turmoil threatens Hurley school aid:
 "2/22/2011 12:58:00 AM

HURLEY -- With Gov. Scott Walker's budget repair bill delayed, Hurley School District administrator Chris Patritto said Monday that he's not sure how state aid to schools will be affected for the 2011-12 school year.

Patritto said the school district had been preparing for a budget deficit of $170,000, with a worst-case scenario of $270,000.

Now, he said, 'Will it be $300,000, or $400,000? I don't know.'

In his written report to the school board, Patritto said, 'I'm not very upbeat about what will come.'

The school district expected to receive school aid projections from the governor today, but the budget process has been delayed in Madison."

Hey Chris, the state of Wisconsin is broke. You will have to deal with it..Now do your job with the help Walker will give you.

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