Saturday, July 17, 2010

I Need Help

It has come to my attention that I might be with other bloggers in this area in dire need of help. I some how must of become progressive and moderate with anger that might compare me with a snake on the ground.

God, how can I be filled with so much hate and animosity?

Just like a drunk at AA, I must check my self in for help. Mrs B is taking me away for the day so I might find my way back to being a real conservative again.

Where did I go wrong? What did I do ? Is it me or are they talking about the other fine bloggers in the 8th district? I am lost for words. I need HELP!

My counseling will begin at 1:00 pm and will continue at our neighbors till midnight. Mrs B promised I would get the very best attention possible with liquid medicine throughout my rehabilitation. I only ask for your thoughts and prayers as I go through this day.

I thank a good friend by e mail and the Party Of Know for bringing this to my attention.

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