Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Cooler Heads

From Mr. Moore and The Lakeland-Times
4/7/2009 3:10:00 PM
Will cooler heads finally prevail in global warming debate?
Richard Moore
Investigative Reporter
"Just yesterday, Democrats unveiled a new proposal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 83 percent by 2050, a timetable even more aggressive than that proposed by President Obama.

Laudable, but is it realistic? Is it affordable? Healthy debate is needed, and it shouldn't be driven by Chicken Little nonsense. For one thing, at the heart of the scheme is a cap-and-trade policy that caps overall pollution but allows individual firms to buy and trade pollution credits - in others words, credits giving them the right to pollute.

But to buy the credits will cost trillions of dollars across the economy, and who is going to pay for that? We are, when the companies buying the credits pass the costs along to us.
" Will cooler heads finally prevail in global warming debate?

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