Saturday, June 30, 2007

Wis V A

I am deeply hurt that the Wisconsin V A did not have my blog
site banned from there web site. (no I do not have a lot or no
readers of my blog , but that is fine with me).
So I e-mailed them a protest e mail.

From B & S and Pete Republic web sites

Dear Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs;

I was told that you are blocking several blog and web
sites on your web site. Is it possible to block my web site
also . My blog is not known to many people in Wisconsin
so it would be nice to get mine on your list.
it is the following ;

To be serious, will you stop wasting tax dollars and spend
your time and our money taking care of our vet's who have
fought, suffered and died for this country , for our freedoms
and for tax dollars to pay for your department.

You have better things to do!

Please use some common sense.

Thank You ,
Paul Socha

The main point as Pete mentioned,

"What I AM concerned about are the many soldiers, sailors
and marines that are recuperating in our VA Hospitals and
may be using VA computing facilities that are RESTRICTED
from viewing the 202 sites that are listed and blocked by
their Websense software"

All and All, W V A , take care of the VET's !

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