Friday, February 09, 2007

Something to Think About

When will people elect people with conviction,
with balls to do what right. The ones who are not
afraid to tackle the tough issues!
What If we did fix Social Security ?

From B & S and from WILLisms,com

What If.

What if Congress had reformed Social Security back
in early 2005? What if personal accounts had taken
effect on June 1, 2005?
Just theoretically.

Well, we'd all be quite a bit better off. Looking at the
Thrift Savings Plan options, which are the foundation/
inspiration for most personal account reform plans,
here are some results:

. Fund G Fund F Fund C Fund S Fund I

June 1, 2005 $10.88 $10.67 $12.91 $14.68 $15.19
February 8, 2007 $11.77 $11.21 $16.05 $19.72 $22.70
Increase 8.18% 5.06% 24.32% 34.33% 49.44%

Those "increase" percentages are just total increases, not annual rates.

The 10-Year compound annual averages:
G: 5.31% F: 6.25% C: 8.37% S: 9.56% I: 7.53%

Meanwhile, back at the Social Security ranch, there are no
personal accounts, nor even any huge one-size-fits-all
interest-earning accounts, for those Social Security taxes.

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