Sunday, February 18, 2007

Roger Who?

Read the headline.

New revenue secretary looking to —
quietly — make his mark
One of Ervin's first tasks will be to

probe printing of Social Security numbers

Posted: Feb. 17, 2007

Did you catch that, New "Revenue" secretary.

Then down in paragraph 13 it says;

"Neither a lawyer nor an accountant -
his college degree is in biology"

What , BIOLOGY and he collecting taxes, I'm sorry revenues!
Yes that makes perfect sense now, "revenues can now
with this guy, libs , you get it- grow tax increases!
I thought it was cute!

Diamond Jim says in the article

Doyle feels Ervin "is a very smart and able person," said Canter.
Ervin has "remarkable, unique life experience that the governor
feels will bring real value to the cabinet."

Who paid for this guy or who does Diamond Jim owe a favor to?

Link to article

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