Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Gift Cards

Wendy from Boots and Sabers has the thought for the day
about gift cards Link
The reason I like his heads up is my two boys have been
holding gift cards and I wonder if they will get their full value.
For those of you (libs and candys ) he has some advice on
how to read your gift card.

Turn the gift card over and read the tiny print on the back.
It may tell you that you have x years to use the card, and
that after that the company may decrease the value of the
card by a certain amount each month or whatever.
Please note the date and the expiration date. Figure out a

way to use the card in the next one, two, three or whatever
years. Businesses don’t do this to make your life difficult.
They do this to prevent indefinite liabilities in their books.
It is a matter of simple bookkeeping (did you know
bookkeeping is the only word in the English language with
3 sets of double letters in a row?).

In short: Read your gift card. Use your gift card.
Don’t waste your gift card.

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