Success - The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will. Vincent T. Lombardi
Well, well, 2010 is almost here. To my two readers and anyone else that might of stopped over, thank you. To all my blog friends, there are so many, but just to name a few, Try 2 Focus, Dad 29 and Pine River World News, didn't mean to leave someone out but to all,
Some comments and thoughts to what might or will happen in 2010.
The good Lord will give me another year to be with such a blessed gift as in the gift of my family.
The Packers get to the second round, not sure after that.
Mark Martin will take fifth in the chase and Tony Stewart will take the cup, Patrick will give NASCAR a lift in viewership.
The dems will lose over 70 seats the house but will lose less then 13 in the senate.
Will find a faster way then dial up for internet at the compound in northern Wisconsin.
Berry Lakers daughter and son in law will prosper, sons 1 & 2 will get jobs this summer, Penelope will be open minded to conservative ideas.
I will see more of my grand son.
I will try to call my mother at least once everyday.
I will try to do a better job at blogging using better punctuation and spelling.
Obama will hit A 32% approval rating.
Time to invest in a hand gun.
Will stock up on some commodities and as Dad down south says, " BUY MORE AMMO "
The people of this country wake up and take their country back!
Remember, Success - The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will. Vincent T. Lombardi To everyone, Thank you and
Time off from blogging, going on a mini vacation to work on reinforcing the compound. Please no comments, won't be able to moderate them until I get back.
What utter nonsense from the Green Bay Press Gazette. Head line, "Obama's health-care push began in Green Bay."
If this health care reform started in Green Bay then let us blame the people of Green Bay. If Green Bay started this boondoggle then I and many others (what, over 60% of people against this health care reform) are not from the Green Bay area. Who is kissing who's rear end here. The Obama administration show's utter incompetence on homeland security ( pantie bomber) and now we have to read puff pieces from the Green Bay Press. AsWalter Matthau said , Lovely, just lovely
"Obama's health-care push began in Green Bay President discussed plans during visit to school in June
By Malavika Jagannathan • • December 31, 2009
Congress took one step closer to a final bill on health care Christmas Eve when the Senate voted for an overhaul that would require most Americans to have insurance.
The Senate's bill must still be merged with legislation passed by the House before Obama could sign a final bill, and there are significant differences between the two measures.
Yes, a step closer to socilism in this country.
The House bill has stricter limits on abortion than the Senate, and unlike the House, the Senate measure omits a government-run insurance option.
But both would expand coverage to millions of Americans who don't have insurance, a significant goal that Obama outlined in his speech in Green Bay.
Millions, you heard it here folks. And Granny and Uncle Stanley will go before death panels to get turned down on their health care.
Using Hobart resident Laura Klitzka's personal struggle with medical bills for her breast cancer treatment as an example, Obama spoke to a 1,500-person crowd in the gymnasium of Southwest High School of the need for insurance reform and expansion of health care to millions of uninsured through a federally regulated national exchange.
Did we all forget it was not an open event. Only lefties in the area were in attendence.
Those on both sides of the various bills introduced in Congress over the summer clashed at public venues across the country and here in Northeastern Wisconsin.
Specifically the inclusion of a public option in the insurance exchange concept — a provision later removed in the Senate versions of the legislation — drew criticism from those who portrayed it as leading to government-run health care.
U.S. Rep. Steve Kagen, D-Appleton, faced people upset about the proposed reforms at listening sessions and town halls throughout the 8th Congressional District during the August recess. Supporters countered those with pro-reform rallies and gatherings before Congress returned to session.
—The Associated Press
Oh, it's those evil people who attended Kagens listen session that don't want health care reform. Steve Kagen stood up against the evil right wing tea party people. Steve Kagen is our hero per theCapital Times. How many pro-reform rallies were there? I only remember the one Kagen had atUWGB. Remember the union thugs patrolling the event.
Green Bay started the the health care reform, not something I would admit. What a joke. As Rush Limbaugh said last week, those evil people protesting at all those listening sessions delayed the health care reform vote till December of this year. That's the real story. The reporter should of wrote about how Kagen's 1stAugust listen sessionstarted the fight against health care reform. The MSM is working overtime trying to paint Obama and liberals like Steve Kagen in Washington in a positve light when everything is falling apart around them.
This is an early April fools joke or an entry for theBurlington Wisconsin Liars Club From the Capital Times or should we say the Capital "RAG" Times?
"Kagen was state’s star in Congress in 2009
John Nichols | Capital Times associate editor | Posted: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 4:50 am | 1 Comment
When Steve Kagen was elected to Congress in 2006, as part of the great wave of reaction against the Bush administration’s imperial and economic excesses, it was presumed by many a pundit that he would serve as a cautious centrist who was more concerned about keeping his seat than doing right by the republic. Instead, Kagen has turned out to be a refreshingly independent representative.
Few members of Congress, be they Democrats or Republicans, have been as willing as Kagen to challenge the political orthodoxies of his party and of official Washington.
That makes him the state’s most inspired federal legislator of 2009. And, in the volatile political climate of 2010, it could get him re-elected — as his maverick stances place him squarely in the best Wisconsin tradition of governing according to conscience and necessity rather than compromise and neglect.
Oh my God! Is John Nichols trying to get Jake the Snake's job on Kagens staff? Where is this guy coming from? "The most inspired member of the Wisconsin congressional delegation", say what? Drinking the Kool Aid?With a little help from Kraft foods, John, you need to go buy some Grape Kool Aid. Below is the link Mr Nichols
"Report: Rush Limbaugh taken to Hawaii hospital Dec 30 10:02 PM US/Eastern
HONOLULU (AP) - A Honolulu television station is reporting that conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh was taken to a hospital with chest pains.
KITV reported Wednesday that paramedics responded to a call at 2:41 p.m. from the Kahala Hotel and Resort where Limbaugh is vacationing.
The station, citing unnamed sources, said paramedics treated Limbaugh and took him to The Queen's Medical Center in serious condition.
Queen's spokesman N. Makana Shook says the hospital is unable to comment on the report.
If your from the Cheddarsphere you still have time to go.
From Real Debate.
"Our Cheddarsphere Christmas this year party will be this Sunday, January the 3rd, from 2pm until whenever at Papa's Social Club, 7718 W. Burleigh Milwaukee ." Real Debate Wisconsin
If your going, please go to Real Debate's link to leave an RSVP to help Papa's Social Club for planning purposes.
Berry Laker is a no but one of these times I will make it. With all the GREAT people I have come to know by simply reading blogs, I would some day like to put a face to a blog. If you can attend, enjoy.
From My Way News. To the Berry Laker Clan and those intellectual liberals who might not know this. Sorry, Berry Laker clan already knew this. Liberals, that's another story.
"Rare New Year's Eve 'blue moon' to ring in 2010 Dec 29, 3:37 PM (ET) By ALICIA CHANG
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Once in a blue moon there is one on New Year's Eve. Revelers ringing in 2010 will be treated to a so-called blue moon. According to popular definition, a blue moon is the second full moon in a month. But don't expect it to be blue - the name has nothing to do with the color of our closest celestial neighbor.
From the New York Post. Obama is furious, it's just a show, he has no idea what happen and what to do. The whole administration is incompetent!
"O furious over botch in security By CHUCK BENNETT AP Last Updated: 5:41 AM, December 30, 2009
Posted: 2:33 AM, December 30, 2009
President Obama yesterday trashed the “systemic failure” by security and intelligence agencies that allowed an al Qaeda crotch bomber to nearly blow up a US airliner — as it was revealed the CIA had been tracking the jihadi since August.
“When our government has information on a known extremist, and that information is not shared and acted upon -- as it should have been -- so that this extremist boards a plane with dangerous explosives that could have cost nearly 300 lives, a systemic failure has occurred," Obama said.
Everyone in homeland security, the CIA and FBI are all afraid they will be accused of profiling a minority! Dam'd if they do and dam'd if they don't! Let's all pray the next 911 is not on the horizon.
President Obama is talking to the American people. Why no cameras. I looked at CNN and Fox News and just audio, no pictures. Isn't he in Hawaii? Does he not have make up people with him? It's an important speech and he can't speak to Americans on live TV. WHY? WHY?Somebody give me an answer.WHAT A JOKE! How's that hope and change doing?Oh, just to clarify the speech.
Two pictures of the Berry Lake Family vacation in Colorado.Second picture is of Berry Laker son # 1 , son # 2 and Pink Penelope.Mr Berry Laker is still in Wisconsin, somebodies got to work. It's our children s last family vacation for a while. Mrs Berry Laker drove the 16 hour drive out west with the children to have some fun. Thank you dear.
"Sunday, December 27, 2009 Bystanding Story so far: Guy straps a bomb to his leg, detonates it. Passenger jumps him, beats the snot out of him. At some point the bomb malfed, because of inept engineering, or the efforts of the citizen or both.
This is the bit that I have not seen anyone else talking about:
A Predator did not blow him up. Delta Force did not kick down his door. A US Marshal did not put the cuffs on him.
From the Pine River World News, Stanislav Mishin and Source:Mat Rodina.
December 25, 2009
In a word, slow strangulation. First will come the socialized medicine, followed by the cap and trade and finally the forced increase in interest rates, as no one will want to buy the debt of the world's biggest beggar who is busy murdering its own economy.
Many companies will flee the U.S., shifting their registrations and headquarters from America to other nations with lower levels of insane regulation and taxation. Further, the crunch will force one state after another to bankrupt. The American federal government will find itself in a situation of either letting the suffering spread, before their parliamentary elections or printing money and spending with abandon to avoid the pain around election time and off set it a bit further. Thus will start the final phase of run away inflation.
The American Marxists will face a third "radical" party of conservatives, who will threaten their One Party Two Branch monopoly and will in the end require strong security and military reactions.
Disaster in Afghanistan and renewed major unrest in Iraq will only spur the feeling of instability as additionally, Mexico's civil war will continue to spill over into America.
Strong independence movements will become mainstream in Texas, southern California, Alaska and much of the old Confederacy. Pro independence terrorism will start to appear, along side a vast upsurge of SJS (Sudden Jihad Syndrome) amongst the Islamic members of America. All in all беспорядок. [alt. Russian term for 'disorder'.] " Pine River World News
I added the flag. Hope and Change, Hope and Change, Hope and Change, Hope and Change, Hope and Change, Hope and Change, Hope and Change, Hope and Change, Hope and Change, Hope and Change, Hope and Change, Hope and Change, Hope and Change, Hope and Change, Hope and Change!
If it was Bush, the press and the left would have him on a platter right now. Obama and his people knew and did nothing? When will the next 911 happen? How's that hope and change going?
Steve was certainly right about the old .99 Christmas albums. I rememberFirestonehad them at my dad's Sinclair gas station back in the 60's when he had gas wars for 22.9 a gal . Thanks Steve for bringing back those 40 year plus memories.
All of Steve's are great picks but I will add a couple of my favorites to his list. One from Burl Ives From You Tube
. From JSOnline. Maybe a new kicker might help. Should Crosby be kicked out?
"Crosby's slump costly New holder no help as kicker misses from 34 By Greg A. Bedard of the Journal Sentinel
Pittsburgh — The Green Bay Packers are running out of ways to get kicker Mason Crosby out of his slump.
This week the Packers, purely to give Crosby more confidence, decided to replace quarterback Matt Flynn as the field-goal holder with punter Jeremy Kapinos.
. More from the Wisconsin paper of record, The Lakeland-Times.
"12/14/2009 11:46:00 AM How easily Wisconsinites forget their basic rights
By James Gleason
It has become apparent over the last 20 years that the people of this state have forgotten their very rights of which this country was founded.
In this coming year, the gun rights advocates in this state are uniting in a movement that will campaign against any state representative, senator or legislator who does not support an individual's God-given right to keep and bear arms or their God-given right to self-defense.
That's right, a campaign against incumbents and candidates who do not support these rights.
Wisconsin has long been a state that is always the last to jump on the bandwagon when it comes to such issues. Now it would seem that through some corrupt movement of the city government of Milwaukee, just maybe there will be some legislation for a firearms carry bill in Wisconsin.
Well, let's not jump for joy just yet. Let's look at the means of infringement that will follow.
First, the Legislature will try to impose as many obstacles as possible to be able to exercise this God-given right.
Starting with a ridiculously unaffordable permit fee and then imposing a mandate on training that will again be ridiculously unaffordable to the average citizen. Without a doubt, following these will be gun and gun owner registration.
So let's look at these issues.
First, the United States Supreme Court has on many occasions stated that a person does not have to be permitted, pay a fee, be trained or registered to exercise their rights under the Constitution.
With that in mind, why doesn't the Legislature in Wisconsin set an example by adapting the Vermont system of firearms carry? This would make sense.
Instead, there is already talk of mandatory training. Why would you need to be trained to do something you already know? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how to use a firearm. Training should only be an option and nothing more.
There are already so-called firearms instructors lining up and weaseling their way to the legislative training with no other thought in mind than lining their pockets with greenbacks at the citizen's expense. Any legislator in support of these weasels will surely get compensation of some kind.
Being permitted, to exercise a right; makes that right nothing more than a privilege.
Therefore, Wisconsin should pass a no compromise concealed carry/open carry, non-permitted system such as Vermont's, which is the oldest recognized system in the country. If it works for Vermont it can work for Wisconsin. After all, if the legislators are only going to copy another state's system then why not Vermont's?
The unconstitutional firearms laws that plague this state are the cause of the high crime rates we enjoy today.
The gun-free school zone laws which have already been declared unconstitutional at the federal level do nothing more than assist criminals who ignore these laws anyway.
Why can't the legislators or this state understand that if the teachers and law-abiding adults at Columbine High School would have been armed the outcome would have been different and the massacre would have ended with fewer deaths or injuries?
The same goes with Virginia Tech. Do you think this cannot happen in Wisconsin? Think again.
The gun-free school zone law needs to be amended to read that no person may carry a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school used for the education of children in grades K-12, illegally or for unlawful purposes.
It is as simple as that.
This would allow law-abiding citizens to carry within the school zone for self-defense and for the defense of others.
The transportation restriction for firearms in this state are nothing more than an extension of the long arm of the already corrupt Department of Natural Resources trying to restrict and infringe on our rights.
A firearm must be unloaded, encased and out of your reach in order to be transported legally in Wisconsin.
With that in mind, if you are being carjacked, simply request that the carjacker wait until you have retrieved your firearm from the trunk or farthest out-of-reach area of your vehicle and load it before resuming the carjacking. I am sure the carjacker will understand and abide by your request. Or you can always just give up your vehicle with possibly your children and your firearm inside in an effort to save yourself.
Why should these legislators ever be allowed to put us in such a position? They shouldn't. It is abuse of authority and blatant infringement on our rights.
How about the law which states, that you cannot carry a firearm into a business that sells alcohol for consumption on the premises.
Let me bring to your attention the true story of former Texas legislator Susanna Hupp. I will quote a Wikipedia article which reads,
"On Wednesday, October 16, 1991, Hupp and her parents were having lunch at the Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen. She had left her handgun in her car to comply with Texas state law at the time which forbade carrying a concealed weapon. When George Hennard drove his truck into the cafeteria and opened fire on the patrons, Hupp instinctively reached into her purse for her weapon, but it was in her vehicle. Her father, Al Gratia, tried to rush Hennard and was shot in the chest. As the gunman reloaded, Hupp escaped through a broken window and believed that her mother, Ursula Gratia, was behind her. Hennard put a gun to her mother's head as she cradled her mortally wounded husband. Hupp's mother and father were killed along with 21 other persons. Hennard also wounded some 20 others. As a survivor of the Luby's massacre, Hupp testified across the country in support of concealed-handgun laws. She said that had there been a second chance to prevent the slaughter, she would have violated the Texas law and carried the handgun inside her purse into the restaurant."
Don't think this could happen in Wisconsin or to your family? Think again.
Look to the recent terrorist incident at Fort Hood. Again, Wisconsin paid the price for not allowing Americans to defend themselves. We lost two of our soldiers because even on a military base, our soldiers are not allowed to carry a firearm for self-defense.
What has happened to our country that we will allow our soldiers to carry a weapon in foreign lands but not here at home? God bless our soldiers who have lost their lives because of these ridiculous laws.
Another blatant infringement on our rights is the law that states you cannot carry a firearm into a building which is owned by the government or its subdivisions or in state parks.
This means you cannot protect yourself from a serial killer who may be stalking the state parks in search of their next victim, nor can you use the public bathrooms in city parks or on county trails. I guess you have to simply leave a yard biscuit on the lawn or disarm and leave your firearm lying on the grass outside the bathroom.
Maybe you could ask a passerby (who may even be a felon) to hold the firearm for you until you exit the bathroom.
Am I the only one who sees just how ridiculous these laws are?
I hope not.
This coming January when the new Legislature session begins, it is hopeful that the Castle Doctrine allowing a person to defend themselves and their families within their private property will pass legislation and become a law that will be signed into law by the governor. Keep in mind this is one of the most anti-gun governors Wisconsin has ever had. So don't hold your breath, he is not looking to do us any favors. He has an armed entourage at his disposal so he could care less about your ability to defend yourself or your family without having to worry about being sued by the criminal or the criminal's family for doing so.
Make an effort to become familiar with your rights and remember a right not exercised is a right lost.
Check out and sign the petition to repeal or amend these ridiculous laws and stop the infringement on our rights.
Call your state representative or state senator and demand that they support the Castle Doctrine and legislation for a no-compromise open carry/concealed carry non-permitted system here in Wisconsin. Tell them if they don't support your rights as afforded to you under the U.S and the Wisconsin constitutions, you will not support them at election time.
It is time we as law-abiding citizens take a stand. Wisconsin should stand united.
James Gleason, 46, is a sergeant for the Department of Corrections and currently resides in Chilton. He also has family ties to the Minocqua area.
. From the Wisconsin paper of record, The Lakeland-Times. Where is the MSM and where are the rest on the left on this? You would think George W Bush is in office.
"2/18/2009 5:58:00 AM Under the radar, Obama pushes for Patriot Act renewal Feingold expresses frustration over Senate version Richard Moore Investigative Reporter
With key sections of the U.S. Patriot Act set to expire Dec. 31, the Obama administration - essentially tiptoeing through the corridors of Congress and using the raucous health care debate as cover - has quietly maneuvered for renewal of the controversial provisions, which he opposed as a senator.
Perhaps the most contentious measure is the business records provision, also known as the library provision, which allows the government to seek a court order forcing private entities such as banks, hospitals, and libraries to hand over "any tangible thing" - from library circulation records to medical records - officials think is relevant in a terrorist investigation.
This week, with time running out and no time to debate the bill on its merits, Democratic supporters of reauthorization in the Senate tried but fail to win House support to embed the provisions in a separate $626 billion Pentagon funding bill. The House has passed a bill with stronger civil liberties protections, but that version is not expected to survive." Under the radar, Obama pushes for Patriot Act renewal
"Friday, December 18, 2009 What the Pope REALLY Said About Ecology One expects the press to miss the point when reporting on Papal documents. So here's a column which does NOT miss the point. Amazingly, the point was not 'to reduce carbon emissions...' " Dad29: What the Pope REALLY Said About Ecology
. A reminder from Try 2 Focusfor those in the Green Bay Area.
"Live Nativity Display Tonight Posted by brvanlanen on December 18, 2009 This is very cool!
The Christmas story will be retold four times this evening in a tradition that began with the theft of a Nativity display 11 years ago at a church on Green Bay’s east side.
. From Yahoo Finance. Mrs Berry Laker would always call Saab, "SCAB"
"GM to discontinue Saab after deal talks collapse GM to wind down Saab brand after deal talks with Spyker Cars collapse By Dan Strumpf, AP Auto Writer , On Friday December 18, 2009, 9:32 am
NEW YORK (AP) -- General Motors Co. said Friday it will wind down Saab after talks to sell the brand to Dutch carmaker Spyker Cars collapsed.
. Thanks to Charlie Sykesand information from JSOnline
"JIM DOYLE'S LEGACY By Charlie Sykes Story Created: Dec 18, 2009 Story Updated: Dec 18, 2009
Data on the Workforce Development Web site and reports published in the Wisconsin Blue Book show that as far back as 1966 manufacturing employment here has always been greater than government employment, until this year.
Will anyone use this information in the upcoming 2010 elections. This is bread from heaven who uses this against all local and state elections. And you wonder why your taxes keep going up? Dems, Diamond Jim Doyle and RINO's are running this state into the ground.
Blains is having a conniption fit.Blains is like our Mills Fleet Farm in Southeastern Wisconsin From JSOnline.
"Farm & Fleet operator disputes use of phrase By Bruce Vielmetti of the Journal Sentinel Posted: Dec. 17, 2009
For years, Blain's Farm & Fleet probably worried most about confusion with Mills Fleet Farm, another Wisconsin retailer whose name reveals the similarity of the two concerns - farm supplies, work clothing, tools and the like.
According the lawsuit, Runnings switched its identifier from Fleet & Farm to Farm & Fleet in 2002, well after Runnings knew of Blain's use of the phrase. The use is "in bad faith and blatant disregard for the rights" of Blain's, is "likely to cause confusion, mistake, and to deceive," the complaint says.
The action, filed in federal court in Madison, claims Runnings has engaged in unfair competition, trademark infringement and dilution, and service mark infringement. Blain's is asking that the court order Runnings to stop using Farm & Fleet and to destroy all products, labels, signs, advertisements and other materials that use Farm & Fleet.
According the lawsuit, Runnings switched its identifier from Fleet & Farm to Farm & Fleet in 2002, well after Runnings knew of Blain's use of the phrase. The use is "in bad faith and blatant disregard for the rights" of Blain's, is "likely to cause confusion, mistake, and to deceive," the complaint says.
In October, Blain's began selling online through its Web site,, and so its exclusive use of Farm & Fleet now extends nationwide, the company claims.
Runnings' Web site does not appear to offer online sales.
Where has Blain's been since 2002? So they now have a conniption fit because they have a web site up and running? They want "Runnings to stop using Farm & Fleet and to destroy all products, labels, signs, advertisements and other materials that use Farm & Fleet."
Drop the law suit or buy out Running's. I never liked Blains when I lived in southeastern Wisconsin. Always went to Fleet Farm in Menomenee Falls.
I would say this is just a way to drive Runnings price down so Blains can buy them for a song and a dance.
"U.S. Senate to consider background checks for child-care providers By John Diedrich of the Journal Sentinel
Posted: Dec. 17, 2009 Related Coverage
Legislation calling for child-care providers across the nation to have comprehensive background examinations, including FBI fingerprint checks, was introduced Thursday in the U.S. Senate.
The Senate bill was authored by Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), who said background requirements vary greatly around the country.
Looks like grandma, aunt's and the fourteen year old baby sitter next door will have to have background checks done to watch your children for you and your spouses night out. Sen. Burr must be a RINO. Do you think I'm kidding? Look at CPSIA concerning rummage sales.
Looks like a 2010 campaign issue against RINOs and dems.
. Funding for milk farmers from the Green Bay Press Gazette doesn't seem to have any comments from Congressman Steve Kagen.
"Relief on the way for state dairy farmers By LARRY BIVINS • Press-Gazette Washington Bureau • December 18, 2009
WASHINGTON — Wisconsin dairy farmers struggling to cope with low milk prices and high production cost should soon see some relief from the federal government.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture began distributing $290 million Thursday in direct assistance to dairy farmers. The one-time payments will be made under the Dairy Economic Loss Assistance Payment Program.
The amount of compensation per farmer will be based on twice the total pounds of production sold commercially from February through July of this year, up to 6 million pounds.
The payment comes from $350 million that Rep. Dave Obey, D-Wausau, and Sen. Herb Kohl, D-Milwaukee, helped secure in the Agriculture spending bill that President Barack Obama signed on Oct. 21. That includes $60 million for the federal government to buy cheese and other dairy products for food banks and federal nutrition programs.
Obey said the average Wisconsin dairy farmer with about 85 cows can expect to receive at least $5,000. Combined with the distribution of $175 million under the Milk Income Loss Contract, the average Wisconsin farmer will have received $13,000.
"Everyone understands that this does not make these farmers whole for the losses they have taken because of the historically low prices this year. But it might be the difference between getting by or going out of business," Obey said.
Milk prices paid to farmers dropped about 27 percent from the final three months of 2008 to the first quarter of 2009, according to the USDA. The average price farmers received for milk during the summer was about half their production cost.
Since Congressman Steve Kagen is on U.S. House Committee on Agriculture, why did the PG not get a comment from Steve Kagen? Is the paper running from Kagen, are they trying to ignore him? Maybe they just forget to call the congressman who goes to bat for us in Wisconsin.
Oh wait, Larry from the GBP (Gannett) wrote a longer article for Oshkosh. Seems they put a comment in by Kagen. Hey Larry, Kagens 8th district does not cover Oshkosh! Looks like Steve Kagen is wearing out his welcome at the Green Bay Press. Does Larry really see who Kagen really is? I wonder? Here's the Northwestern article.
"Relief on the way for Wis. dairy farmers By LARRY BIVINS • Gannett Washington Bureau • December 18, 2009
WASHINGTON - Wisconsin dairy farmers struggling to cope with low milk prices and high production cost should soon see some relief from the federal government.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture began distributing $290 million Thursday in direct assistance to dairy farmers. The one-time payments will be made under the Dairy Economic Loss Assistance Payment Program.
The amount of compensation per farmer will be based on twice the total pounds of production sold commercially from February through July of this year, up to 6 million pounds.
The payment comes from $350 million that Rep. Dave Obey, D-Wausau, and Sen. Herb Kohl, D-Wis., helped secure in the Agriculture spending bill that President Barack Obama signed on Oct. 21. That includes $60 million for the federal government to buy cheese and other dairy products for food banks and federal nutrition programs.
Obey said the average Wisconsin dairy farmer with about 85 cows can expect to receive at least $5,000. Combined with the distribution of $175 million under the Milk Income Loss Contract, the average Wisconsin farmer will have received $13,000 .
"Everyone understands that this does not make these farmers whole for the losses they have taken because of the historically low prices this year. But it might be the difference between getting by or going out of business," Obey said in a statement.
Kohl said he hoped "these payments will bring a measure of relief to the hardships we witnessed in rural communities across our state and country."
Milk prices paid to farmers dropped about 27 percent from the final three months of 2008 to the first quarter of 2009, according to the USDA. The average price farmers received for milk during the summer was about half their production cost.
Rep. Steve Kagen, D-Appleton, also cheered the announcement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.
"I have met with dairy farmers throughout Wisconsin, and they have told me that when the price of milk falls, they suffer," Kagen said. "These payments will help eligible dairy producers stabilize their operations during these tough economic times."
"Ifill to speak at St. Norbert College graduation in May December 18, 2009
DE PERE — Gwen Ifill, journalist, author and moderator of PBS' "Washington Week," will deliver the spring commencement address May 16 at St. Norbert College.
Ifill, the bestselling author of "The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama," moderated the vice presidential debates during the 2004 and 2008 elections. She will receive an honorary degree from St. Norbert College.
It's like a tingle down my leg, like Chris Matthews, a warm feeling right down to my toe when I see Gwen Ifill (from Wiki) will speak at the most liberal school of higher learning in Wisconsin, (how can you call it a catholic college) St. Norberts College.
The very Gwen Iffil who moderated the presidential debate in 08 while writing her book, "The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama." Remember it was no conflict of interest.
Gosh, I can't believe it , Gwen Ifill coming to Green Bay. The grads will be awestruck with such platitudes as the most successful president in our lifetime, you are a part of history, oh my, I can't wait. Excuse me while I go and change my fruit of the looms, my slacks and my socks.