Saturday, July 12, 2008

They Aren't Paying Enough

Great information from SBVOR. Go to his link to get the true story.


"Thursday, July 10, 2008
The Truth About Tax Cuts
Updated 7/10/2008
A few facts about lower marginal tax rates which Dems would prefer you not know

1) Lower marginal tax rates have not produced lower revenues.

In fact, dropping the marginal tax rate from 91% to the current 35% has, by virtue of The Laffer Curve, slightly increased real tax revenues (meaning tax revenues as a percentage of GDP).

And, as is evident in the following chart, the Bush Tax Cuts have produced one of the more significant increases in real tax revenues:" SBVOR

The U S government keeps taking in more and more money and we keep spending more and more. Top chart show income from taxes.

And what do the lib's and the left keep telling us?

We need more! The rich need to pay more! Wrong! The top 1% are paying almost 40% of all tax to the government. The bottom 50% of taxpayers are paying 3.1 % of all taxes. second chart shows tax income.

Tax cuts work, and what does Obama want to do? Take the tax cuts away.

People, please wake up!

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