Thursday, November 06, 2008

Republicans R I P

R I P Republican Party.

It is time the conservative movement go in another direction. With the pounding the republicans took in 2006 and 2008, it is time to throw the last shovel of dirt on the grave of the GOP. It's sad, the party that began in Ripon Wisconsin can only now be a distant part of this countries history. Ronald Reagan must be turning in his grave.

Why did this happen? How did this happen? It happened to men and women who went to Washington and forgot how they got there. They forgot their beliefs. They crawled on their hands and knees to become popular, to be friends with the left, to think and even beg the MSM to like them. They were sent to Washington to do the work of the people. They promised change, they promised less government, they promised to do the will of the people. What happened is they turned away from conservatism. With power comes greed and greed runs ramped in our capitol.

When republicans had the chance to make a difference, they fell to money and power and thought the people back home would not notice, would never hear or see. They just wanted to get along. They became moderate and centrist. They passed No Child left behind. They passed campaign finance reform. "We need to take the money out of politics. They went on vacations with Lobbyist Jack Abramoff and thought it was just fine. In 2006 it was Mark Foley. In 2008 to win a presidential election we had to reach out to moderates. To reach out and beg for voters that would never vote for us in the first place. We were ignored until Sara Palin gave us hope. Sara Palin spoke for us and to us, hope for the conservative people of this country. And what now, those same republicans are trashing her.

On a personal note, talking to people in my area, they equate republicans as racist, rich, Mark Foley, nuts who lie,cheat, earmarks and can't be trusted. Remember Bush 41, Read my lips, no new taxes. The skin heads last week were told to me, "they are typical republican". No matter what a republican does they get the bad press and people are sick and tired with the name republican. Their beliefs is anyone with an "R" by their name is scum. Get out of Iraq, it's Bush's fault, greedy republicans. They are only for the rich! A bunch of crooks! The media has painted the republicans so negative that anyone with an "R" is dirt. The press did their job and people believed everything they hear no matter what the truth could be.

Sorry, I'm just tired of those that are republicans that gave up their beliefs and ruined the Grand Old Party. I' m also tired of being called radical and a nut for my beliefs just because I was considered a republican.

I am not a republican. I am conservative. All the pundit's are saying we need to work with the moderates, we need to work with the democrats, we need to reach across the aisle. We need to move to the middle.

As conservatives, we will not move to the middle.

As conservatives, we will not seek moderates.

As conservatives, we will protect life and especially the unborn.

As conservatives, we are for less government not more.

As conservatives, we will not accept the country club blue blooders.

As conservatives, we will not give up our freedoms that our forefathers gave us.

As conservatives we do not spread the wealth, you earn what you have and what is yours is not the governments.

We need to change to a new name for conservatives. The media painted the republicans so negative that anyone with an "R" is dirt.

Where do we go from here? We go forward with conservatives like Palin, like Rush, what Ronald Reagan would expect of us. How do we do that. We need to first tell republicans we are not a part of their party and that includes money!

Maybe it is time for a "Conservative" party. We will become our own party.

It may take years but at least it will be our party. We need to first accept our party, We need to plan our party. We need to take the movement forward. It will not be easy. We will be called names, be smeared, will get negative press, ignored, beat up, again it will not be easy. Oh forgot, that's already happening to us who are conservatives. Money, not a problem! We need to find a leader, a true conservative in politics, maybe the Governor of Alaska.

Governor Palin, will you lead our party?

The CONSERVATIVE. Party, the movement begins.

Anyone else interested, let me know.

To the Republican Party, R I P!


Anonymous said...

Excellent points. However let's not forget there was another time when the GOP was looked upon just as badly if not worse - following the Watergate fiasco. At that time Ronald Reagan was asked about forming a 3rd party. He had this to say:

“Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which makes it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people? Americans are hungry to feel once again a sense of mission and greatness.”

For all the crap in the GOP there are a number of strong conservatives to rally around. They need to see that WE THE PEOPLE have their backs. Those who are trashing Gov. Palin - those are not true Republicans - they are McCain/RINO apologists not willing to accept the real reason why McCain lost.

Now perhaps a 3rd party will be the only choice but do we not owe to Reagan & other great conservative Republicans to at least try to restore their party first?

Paul - Berry Laker said...

Brad , thank you for your comment.

Great points but sadly Mr. Reagan would be sadly disappointed with the RINO'S that are trying to run the party today. I just don't see America believing anyone with a "r" by their name. I am not advocating dropping the party but did not Mr. Reagan leave the democratic party years ago? "I didn't leave the Democratic Party. The party left me."

The moderate rino's left us so we need to leave them. Or should I say, we don't need them, they need us!They have to come to our PARTY!

Have a GREAT weekend.

Berry Laker

Paul - Berry Laker said...

Brad one more comment.

You said, "in the GOP there are a number of strong conservatives to rally around. They need to see that WE THE PEOPLE have their backs."

Sorry, those few strong conservatives need to take us in a new direction. If they are strong, they WILL do it and take us to a new level and a new party.

Berry Laker.