Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Heating Oil

Didn't have time before my vacation to post this. From Patrick at BadgerBlogger.com

"Home heating costs to skyrocket again this winter

Posted on Wed, Aug 13th 2008 at 06:08 AM by Patrick

Hang onto your pocketbooks again, along with all of the new taxes, some disguised as fees, Wisconsinites can also count on an average of $200 more in home heating costs this winter. If you use natural gas to heat your homes, expect a 21% spike, and if you use oil, look for about a 26% spike. And if you live in a rural area and use propane to heat your home, look for a 13% spike, to and average of nearly $2,000 this winter.

Now, aren’t you glad that the Democrats are preventing us from gaining access to our own natural resources? What’s a couple hundred bucks to a Wisconsin family, when it means that a caribou doesn’t have to duck under a pipeline or some damn fool thing like that?
-- Patrick Dorwin, owner of BadgerBlogger.com" Badger Blogger

Just what we need is higher energy costs.

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