Wednesday, January 26, 2011

WDNR Defines Cracked Ice

From the "say what" file.

From The Daily Globe

"1/26/2011 1:53:00 AM
Fishermen who fled ice floe escape fines

SAXON, Wis. -- Fishermen who scrambled off Lake Superior when the ice broke at Saxon Harbor Saturday afternoon won't be fined for leaving vehicles and equipment behind, according to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

Jim Bishop, public information officer for the DNR's Spooner office, said he contacted Dave Oginski, DNR supervisor of the Lake Superior basin.

Oginski indicated citations wouldn't be issued because the cracking of the ice was an act of nature, and "humans had no control.""
Fishermen who fled ice floe escape fines
What does "cracking of the ice was an act of nature" mean? When was the last time you seen someone cutting ice to drop a car through the ice on purpose? When was the last time you seen 300 people on the ice, jumping up and down to purposely break the ice?

How do humans have control over breaking ice?

Cathy Stepp has her work cut out for herself.

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