Friday, January 28, 2011

Milk HazMat Teams To A Farm Near You

From Patrick McIlheran via Dad 29.

“Two weeks ago, the Environmental Protection Agency finalized a rule that subjects dairy producers to the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure program, which was created in 1970 to prevent oil discharges in navigable waters or near shorelines. Naturally, it usually applies to oil and natural gas outfits. But the EPA has discovered that milk contains ‘a percentage of animal fat, which is a non-petroleum oil,’ as the agency put it in the Federal Register.

“In other words, the EPA thinks the next blowout may happen in rural Vermont or Wisconsin. Other dangerous pollution risks that somehow haven't made it onto the EPA docket include leaks from maple sugar taps and the vapors at Badger State breweries.

“The EPA rule requires farms—as well as places that make cheese, butter, yogurt, ice cream and the like—to prepare and implement an emergency management plan in the event of a milk catastrophe. Among dozens of requirements, farmers must train first responders in cleanup protocol and build ‘containment facilities’ such as dikes or berms to mitigate offshore dairy slicks.”

So we now give farmers subsidies for corn and now we will have to give money to farmers for hazmat teams at every farm in Wisconsin. Will someone wake me up and stop this madness! 

Stop!!!! A milk spill, my God , there's butterfat spilled on the ground!

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