Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Can We Get Serious Here

"State Republicans hope to see voters' message reflected in President Obama's State of Union
By LARRY BIVINS • Press-Gazette Washington Bureau • January 25, 2011

WASHINGTON — For Sen. Ron Johnson, President Barack Obama's prime-time address to the nation tonight will be a measure of whether the president got the same message as Republicans did last November."

So when he takes a seat tonight alongside Sen. Herb Kohl, D-Milwaukee, in a gesture of bipartisan spirit, Johnson will have his ears tuned for an Obama speech that focuses on limiting spending and reducing the size of government.

Wisconsin's other two freshman lawmakers, Reps. Sean Duffy, R-Ashland, and Reid Ribble, R-Lawrence, said they also had reached out to their Democratic counterparts in the delegation about viewing Obama's speech together.
State Republicans hope to see voters' message reflected in President Obama's State of Union | greenbaypressgazette.com | Green Bay Press Gazette
Did this happen in 2009? I can't remember x Congressman Steve Kagen reach across the aisle and sit with Jim Sensenbrenner or Tom Petri? Can we get serious here?

We sent republicans to D C to stop the madness not hold hands and look like a bunch of doofus's!

Update, I just have to make some extra comments.

Will Ron Johnson now become Herb Kohl Jr?
Will Reid Ribble or Sean Duffy sit next to Nancy Pelosi?

We in Wisconsin did not send these three people to Washington to get along with democrats. They were voted to Washington to take back our government and not play paddy cake with the people who deep down inside hate their guts and will do anything to make them look bad for the 2012 election.

Johnson, Ribble and Duffy need to come to their senses? Do we need to find someone else to run in 2012?

Sorry 2nd update. Let me have Vince tell you people.

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