Monday, January 24, 2011

Ban Tobacco or Lift The Ban

The APC reports. Some people in city hall must have way too much time on their hands.

"Plastic enclosed smoking areas at Neenah taverns test statewide ban, raise concerns
By Duke Behnke • Post-Crescent staff writer • January 24, 2011

NEENAH — City officials have notified three taverns of potential state and local violations after they enclosed their beer gardens in temporary plastic sheeting to protect smokers from wintry weather."

The taverns are Cedar Bar & Grill, 1330 S. Commercial St.; Eagles Club, 1338 S. Commercial St.; and Commercial Break, 1348 S. Commercial St.

"They have been warned that if smoking occurs in the plastic- enclosed beer gardens, that would be in violation of the state smoking ban," City Atty. Jim Godlewski said. "We would respond based on complaint."
Plastic enclosed smoking areas at Neenah taverns test statewide ban, raise concerns | | Appleton Post Crescent
First they ban indoor smoking. They send people outside to smoke a legal substance that government collects taxes on.

Now that it's below zero and businesses put up wind shelters for the smokers and now that is against the law?

Are they crazy? Only smokers go outside to these plastic huts and who are they bothering? NOBODY!!!!!

Will you non smoking zealots either get tobacco banned or lift the smoking ban. Businesses are closing up and jobs are lost. I'm sure if the ban was lifted, there would be plenty of non smoking bars!

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