Saturday, September 19, 2009

President Obama Blew His Sister Souljah Moment

I'm not sure if anyone has talked about this. I looked but so far couldn't find anything on it. Here's my take. Remember this from 1992 about Bill Clinton and his Sister Souljah moment. From the Boston Globe.
"Sister Souljah moments

By Joan Vennochi, Globe Columnist | September 16, 2007

BILL CLINTON invented the Sister Souljah moment. Is having one still a political requirement or more a political cliche?

Back in 1992, Clinton made headlines when he chastised rap artist and community activist Sister Souljah for saying, "If black people kill black people every day, why not have a week and kill white people?" His rebuke came in an appearance before Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition: "If you took the words, 'white' and 'black' and you reversed them, you might think David Duke was giving that speech," the then-presidential candidate said." Sister Souljah moments - The Boston Globe
Bill Clinton was on the ropes in the election of 1992 and moved hard right in his Sister Souljah moment. Remember the climb he had in the polls. Remember all the positive press coverage he got. Did he hide from his comment? Heck no! Clinton seized the moment and ran with it. He ran all the way to winning the 1992 election.

Now to 2009. From the Huff post on our president on Kanye West.

"UPDATE -- Sept. 15: The full audio of Obama's exchange about Kanye West has been posted by TMZ. Here's the transcript:

Q: Were your girls as hacked off as mine were that Kanye gave Taylor Swift the Joe Wilson treatment?

Obama: I thought that was really inappropriate. You know it was like she's getting an award -- why are you butting in? I, I hear you -- I agree with you.

Q: So does that count as the first question?

Obama: The young lady seems like a perfectly nice person. She's getting her award. What's he doing up there? He's a jackass. (Laughter) No, now -- this -- all this stuff -- I'm assuming all this stuff. Where's the pool? Come on guys. Cut the president some slack. I got a lot of other stuff on my plate. Yeah. Cause I remember last time it was the fly thing. Now that was the highlight of (trails off)" Obama: Kanye Is A "Jackass"

After his comment President Obama told the MSM to back off and cut him some slack! Didn't want anyone to hear him call an idiot a jackass! Obama could of seen his poll numbers go up, ( maybe not double digits ), if he just would of stood up for what he said and held his ground. Our President couldn't stand up for what in his own words was, "inappropraite". Kanye West showed his real self and it didn't look pretty. President Obama took an opportunity and let it slip through his fingers. He would of got three, four days of good press, Fawning stories about how he stands for all people in this country. He could of brought Taylor Swift to the white house for coffee. He could of had a bump in the polls. It was a win win for Obama. Hello, Mr Obama, it's called politics! What happened, he blew it!

This just shows the lack of judgement from our president. Obama is so far out of touch with most Americans in this country he had the power to do good and let it slip from his fingers.

Give Clinton credit in 92 and let's just point to the fact President Obama blew his own Sister Souljah moment. I didn't vote or agree with Bill Clinton but he knew politics and he knew what to do with an opportunity. Seems like President Obama and his pals have no idea how to seize the moment. With leadership like this, you wonder why we can't believe anything from this administration.

It's not an understatement, Obama blew his Sister Souljah moment.

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