Saturday, September 19, 2009

Can Females Do Without

From Rush at the EIB.

If Obamacare will put an extra tax (your already paying a sales tax) on tampons etc, will females go without? Why not just have free feminine products paid for by government. Steve Kagen, slip this in and you will get more votes next year.

"Story #9: Baucus Health Care Bill Taxes Tampons, Condoms

RUSH: Folks, I kid you not. I'm not making this up. I have researched it. I got the e-mail. I spent some time looking at it. Trust me on this. The Baucus health care bill, I've got the provision, I've got the paragraph, footnote 103.

The Max Baucus health care bill taxes tampons, condoms, hearing aids, pregnancy tests, all kinds of medical devices, and many things are qualified as medical devices like a tampon or a condom or a hearing aid. There are taxes galore in the Baucus bill, which is why the hack from the Obama White House communications department for health care, Linda Douglass yesterday, did not pee on the bill. It's got taxes."
Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page

I'll have to see if this will be taxed. I'm assuming if condoms are K-Y Gel would be too.

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