But two hundred workers will lose their jobs in the next two weeks and thousands more could be in jeopardy unless congress approves the bill that will bring the $5 billion contract to Marinette. The December 14 deadline is quickly approaching, but officials say they're confident.
"Right now we believe we have strong support in the house and continuing to work with the senate where the bill will next go," says Sean Stackley, U.S. Navy.
According to congressman Steve Kagen, (D) WI 8th Congressional District, the only hold up is Arizona Senator John McCain.
"Senator McCain has offered the argument that he wants the cost to go down but then we you think about it, when will the cost ever be lower to acquire these ships. The costs will not go down from this moment forward," explains Kagen.
Kagen says that's why now is the time to seal the contract. "I think it's going to be Russ Feingold, myself, Herb Kohl and Bart Stupak who will stand forward, contact the senator and convince him."
When asked if Kagen can convince McCain before the deadline, Kagen answered, "I'm very hopeful."
Can someone explain Steve Kagen to me? He states John McCain is holding up the contracts for MM in the senate but he first says and I quote, "Right now we believe we have strong support in the house", say what? He believes he has support in the house ? Steve, Steve, you either have the votes in the house or you don't! How can you blame McCain?

Pelosi is running the House, why didn't she call for a vote? Kagen and his democratic ilk have control of the house, they have enough votes to pass without any republican votes. You union voters are getting what you voted for, absolutely nothing!
Will anyone ask him why there was no vote yet?
Why is Steve Kagen flipping his finger to the workers of MM?

YOU VOTED FOR HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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