Friday, December 10, 2010

Just Kill The Tax Bill, Republicans Already Forgot Nov. 2nd

Unemployment extended
death tax increased,
ear marks for wind and solar manufactures
and now

From Reuters

The tax-cut package under debate in the Senate on Friday would extend through 2011 the 45 cent a gallon ethanol tax credit and a 54 cent tariff on imported ethanol -- the two major supports for the biofuels industry.

Without congressional action, they will expire on Dec 31. A test vote was scheduled for Monday for the bill. The House and Senate must agree on terms for a bill to become law.

Ethanol gets an extension just for the corn WHORES! This needs to stop and stop now!

Just like John McCain in 08, maybe we need to teach republicans again in congress that we mean business. We don't want RINO's!

Republicans need to block and stop all this spending, no matter what! Let the Bush tax rates expire.Cut off unemployment extensions, Cut the out of control spending. There is no way this can be fixed until the next congress. What was the November election all about? 

We will suffer like we have the last two years and we need to start over. 

Let it all fall and clean it up in January! Stop and block everything! 




1 comment:

Dale said...


You and I think alike...not what I voted for on Nov 2. I don't have a problem extending unemployment. Pay for them!!!