Friday, September 12, 2008

Steve Kagen Political Game Plan 2008

"Pelosi's Gang Feels the Pressure
September 12, 2008
"Something happened on the way to September." Potomac Watch -
If you want to know why Mrs. Pelosi is so eager to now talk energy, this is it. Wisconsin's Steve Kagen, who in 2006 won a district that went 55% for George W. Bush, is getting hammered by his GOP opponent, John Gard, for his party's refusal to pass drilling legislation.

It looks like Nancy to the rescue. Now Kagen can say he is for drilling, yea right!
As for Mr. Obama's 50-state game, many freshman Dems are too worried about being tarred with his liberal stances to even risk being seen with him.

Let us look at the Kagen political game plan for 2008. Steve Kagen was with Joe Biden last Monday and what 450, 500 even the MSM said a 1000 ( MSM inflating numbers, no there was not a 1000) people attended the rally in Green Bay. So Kagen was backing Hillary till she lost, gave his endorsement to Obama and never attended the Denver convention. Why did he not go to Denver?

My question is, will Steve Kagen be front and center with Obama at the next rally in Northeastern Wisconsin. He is fighting for his political life right now and his campaign people are directing him very precisely on where he goes, and what he says. He can't think or speak on his own you know.

How strong will Steve Kagen campaign for Barack Obama or will Steve Kagen stay under the radar screen to save his political rear end?

Obama supporters, I ask you, how strong will Steve Kagen back your candidate? Will he campaign hard for Obama or will Steve Kagen be too worried about O's liberal stances to even risk being seen with him? Is Steve Kagen running from Barack Obama? It sure seems that way to me. I don't hear the MSM picking up on this. If a republican tried this they would be call raciest. Funny the double standards for the people on the left.

Will Steve Kagen keep his distance from the messiah Obama. I will wait for a T V spot with Barack and Kagen together telling the people of the 8th district to vote for them for change, for hope. Ah, not sure if that will happen.

Time will tell till the November election on how Steve Kagen goes forward with is election play book, .

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