Friday, January 12, 2007

What Is A Candy

From time to time I will use the word C A N D Y or
C A N D Y 'S in my writings . What may you ask does it mean?

Becoming fifty years old this summer I have come to notice
a movement that my generation could only accomplish.
We are the baby boom generation. We were born in a time of peace.
We were taught all about Civil defence procedures in school. How
to survive a nuclear explosion. My favorite was the manual
telling us to take clean water out of the toilet tank to survive.
Store crackers and supplies in your basement. How to perform
medical procedures on ,cuts, yes burns (from the explosion) and
even how to perform natural child birth in your fallout shelter
We grew up having to sit through Larence Welk, watched Batman ,
Wild Wild West, our hero's were John Wayne and the first car I
bought was a 65 nash Rambler. Those were the days.

Then there are the Candy's

Candy's went through the Vietnam war! Candy's were for
love and peace ! Candy's were the flower children of the 60's
and some at present are running some of our goverment!
Candy's care more about themselves than for others! Candy's
are a generation of two ,three and sometimes four marriages.
Candy's discipline their children by giving time outs when they
were disciplined with a belt over the behind! Candy's live on
borrowed time and borrowed money.
Candy's grew up (sorry not me) on "Pot". Candy's listened to
the Beatles, the Doors, in the 60's to AC DC in the 80's
( I think the 80's and yes I do also like that music) and now
you see them standing by the rack at Wallmart of C D's with
the sounds of a wolf in the wild or birds chirping off in the distance.
Candy's are a spoiled generation! Candy's take what they want,
do what they want! Candy's will do anything to give themselves
self gratification. Candy's were brought up with some religious
beliefs and now have no faith at all or if they do show some faith
it is only for show , no substance (Happy Holidays not Merry Christmas).
Some look and act like they did back in the 70's. You would think
the guy is homeless but he is just the guy down the road! Some
never changed. Some put their feelings first and common sense last.
They sit and complain about second hand smoke but then have
a joint or two! In the last thirty to fourty years they still have not
grown up!

Yes I am in that generation, yes I have my faults, yes I have made
a lot of mistakes in my life but at least I will try to better myself!
I try to do what is right ! Make a mistake and learn from it, never
repeat the same mistake twice , not dwell on it to get sympathy
from others.

A lot of the following are from friends, mentors and great
Conservative people I have listened to in my lifetime
(Mike, Tom, George, Rush, and many more).

You are not a Candy if you believe in or know any of the following;

The glass is half full and not half empty.

It's partly sunny and not partly cloudy!

The real story of of Thankgiving!

Inspect what you expect!

You can get more with honey than you can get with vinegar!

I expect an "A" in chemistry , not a "C"!

Yes, the flag should be at half mast for 3o days!

There is no such person as a moderate!

There are no books written in the library on failure only success!

Being a Liberal is the most gutless position anyone can take !

Yes, John Kennedy was for tax cuts (bet you libs didn't know that)!

And my favorite,
Character is doing something good when no one is watching !

The list can go on and on! (if you have one email it to me)

So if you are upset that I may call you a Candy and you take
offence to it , Please take your sorry


somewhere else.

I am sick and tired of putting up with your self gratifying,
self indulgent, holyer than thou attitude .

As a wise man told me the other night

"I really do not like idiots"

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