Somebody in Georgia better straighten out Mr Gingrey.
Those who say they are in the GOP better stand up right now for the Conservative base or stick their tail between their legs and change their party affiliation to the democratic party. We do not want you!
"RINO's", "moderate republican", "maverick republicans", from Mark Belling "empty suit AG's" better wake up! We don't want spineless wienies, we got enough dem's! If you can't grow some balls, get out of the party. I will not get along with the dems for the sake that Obama won! I do not want socialism, I am sick and tired of fraud, corruption, power, payoffs, scandals, voter fraud and "can't we just get along" in Washington DC. I want my country back!
This is getting to be over the top. Why do people who call themselves republicans elected to Washington DC completely lose their minds and turn moderate and kiss up the the left.
I say it again, just like Ronald Reagan said at the time fits my world today, I didn't leave the republican party, the republican party left me.
Rush is right, the GOP that votes for this stimulus bill will get the blamed for it. Stand up for our beliefs and stop Obama and what the democratic party is doing to this country.
It's time the conservatives draw the line in the sand when it comes to GOP Democrats.
"House GOP member to Rush: Back off
By JONATHAN MARTIN | 1/27/09 4:13 PM EST Updated: 1/27/09 5:46 PM EST
" House GOP member to Rush: Back off - Jonathan Martin - Politico.com
Rush Limbaugh may command a large following, but his caustic comments Monday about the GOP’s congressional leadership have at least one Republican House member defending his colleagues and offering an unusually candid critique of the talk radio powerhouse and his fellow commentators.
Responding to President Obama’s recommendation to Republican congressional leaders last week that they not follow Limbaugh’s lead, the conservative talkmeister said on his show that Obama is “obviously more frightened of me than he is Mitch McConnell. He's more frightened of me, than he is of, say, John Boehner, which doesn't say much about our party."
Rep. Phil Gingrey, R-Ga., did not take kindly to this assessment in an interview with Politico Tuesday.
Somebody in Georgia better straighten out Mr Gingrey.
Those who say they are in the GOP better stand up right now for the Conservative base or stick their tail between their legs and change their party affiliation to the democratic party. We do not want you!
"RINO's", "moderate republican", "maverick republicans", from Mark Belling "empty suit AG's" better wake up! We don't want spineless wienies, we got enough dem's! If you can't grow some balls, get out of the party. I will not get along with the dems for the sake that Obama won! I do not want socialism, I am sick and tired of fraud, corruption, power, payoffs, scandals, voter fraud and "can't we just get along" in Washington DC. I want my country back!
This is getting to be over the top. Why do people who call themselves republicans elected to Washington DC completely lose their minds and turn moderate and kiss up the the left.
I say it again, just like Ronald Reagan said at the time fits my world today, I didn't leave the republican party, the republican party left me.
Rush is right, the GOP that votes for this stimulus bill will get the blamed for it. Stand up for our beliefs and stop Obama and what the democratic party is doing to this country.
It's time the conservatives draw the line in the sand when it comes to GOP Democrats.
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