Sunday, July 13, 2008

Life's Future

From Wendy at B & S

I have not had any direct contact with someone close with cancer but ones life changes as you get older and hopefully wiser. As Tony Snow mentions below about Faith, Prayer and Love, as I get older my Faith has certainly changed from my younger years. Thanks Wendy for for reminding me about life through Mr. Snow who I respected very much. His inventory of life should be important to everyone.

"Still, the last few months — my time of surgery and chemo — have been the happiest and most thrilling of my life. They have confirmed lessons that seem at once too good to be true, and too important and vital not to be.

Here is a short inventory:

Faith matters. Prayers heal. Love overcomes.

People want to do good for others; they just need excuses.

Fear is a waste of time. The worst that can happen is that we’ll die — which happens to everybody, anyway. Until the Grim Reaper comes knocking, we’re alive.

We can count our hardships, but not our blessings.

Life does not revolve around us. It envelops us.

There is no condition that someone else has not already overcome.

Nothing makes one feel more alive than the prospect of death and the requirement that one fight for the things that give life its richness, meaning and joy. " Boots and Sabers - The blogging will continue until morale improves...

I do not know what the future brings but my priorities in life is something that will never change.

Most important ,MY God.
Next my family.
and everything else after that.

Faith, Prayer and Love overcomes.
Thanks again Wendy.

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