Saturday, May 10, 2008

From JSOnline
State tells smokers to cough up taxes
Internet cigarette buyers get warnings they could be billed
Posted: May 9, 2008
Madison - State Revenue Department officials have sent more than 1,000 letters this year to Wisconsin smokers who bought cigarettes from Internet vendors, telling them to either stop buying them that way or pay the $1.77-per-pack state tax that took effect Jan. 1.

Dats wight, it's doz smoking wascally wepubwicans prwobobwy doinn dis to us. Twi-ing to cheat da stat of wisconsin.

If too much information is released about how state officials got the names of Internet cigarette customers, state Revenue Secretary Roger Ervin said, it may jeopardize relationships with those vendors.

Jeopardize relationships, what gun is the state holding to their head. Can we say the cigarette gastopo. It's a slippery slope. If they can collect internet taxes on cigs, how long before they collect taxes on all internet purchases. Diamond jim is a little short. Anything could happen.

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